Conception. Childbirth. Development. Naturally. Consciously. Blessingly.
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Home Birth Statistics in the online edition GreenPost media in coauthorship with Miracle in the Heart

Information and analytical portal GreenPost media, featuring in covering topical issues in the medical field, on March 1, 2021 in the article “Why Home Birth is not for Everyone and What the Choice to Give Birth at Home Can Turn out to Be. Answers to Critical Questions and Exclusive Statistics" published an interview with the Kiev journalist Atanaya Ta and the organizer of the international project on natural childbirth “Miracle in the Heart” Svetlana Demianova-Ponomarenko, as well as the results of our calculations of the number and percentage of out-of-hospital births in Ukraine from 2008 to 2019 [1]. For the first time such statistics were officially presented in Ukraine.

Svetlana briefly answered the following questions:

  1. How vital is the topic of home birth in Ukraine?
  2. What problems can arise after an out-of-hospital delivery?
  3. Even organizations defending women's rights for home birth do not encourage everyone to give birth at home. So, who shouldn't even think about having a home birth?
The percentage of home births increased from 1% to 5-6%!

The percentage of home births increased from 1% to 5-6%!

The full version of the article will be published on our website soon, or Atanaya Ta will use the received materials in her subsequent articles. Thank you, we’re looking forward and hope! :)


[1] Атанайя Та. Почему домашние роды не для всех и чем может обернуться выбор рожать дома. Ответы на острые вопросы и эксклюзивная статистика. 1 марта 2021.