Conception. Childbirth. Development. Naturally. Consciously. Blessingly.
Social project "Miracle in the Heart" We popularize
natural childbirth
Project news

Consultation of the co-organizer of the Miracle in the Heart Project for the Internet publishing company Peter and Mazepa

The speaker of our online Festival’2014, mother of 3, Kiev journalist Atanaiya Ta, wrote a thoughtful article about the influence of the Soviet system on the obstetrics system in Ukraine (and in all countries of the former USSR) - "To the Sound of Marches. Maternity Hospitals as the Last Bastion of the USSR (How things are going with Ukrainian maternity hospitals. The place is important, while the condition is deplorable)".

Womans in USSR

To this end, Atanaiya Ta, as an employee of the Internet publication "Peter and Mazepa", repeatedly consulted with the co-organizer of our project, Svetlana Demianova-Ponomarenko, and the expert of “Miracle in the Heart", Alexander Kobasa (Ukraine).

Special thanks to Atanaya for inserting into the article an excellent clip 'Any progress?' as a vivid comparison of childbirth as a physiological process with the physiological process of gastric emptying. This video is not less enchanting than the movie Sex as Birth.

We are also pleased that the publication office has inserted in the article a photo and a diagram from our website (from the report on the first round table of the pilot project with the Kyiv maternity hospital No. 5 and the First National Report of Ukraine on human rights in childbirth).

Diagramm from our site

However, we definitely do not agree (considering our own experience of giving birth in maternity hospitals and three years of experience in the project on natural childbirth, several opinion polls on this topic and the National Report of Ukraine on HRiC) with the thesis of the editorial board that "peace, silence, psychological and physiological health in maternity hospitals can still be provided "- it is POSSIBLE, but it is not done! It is not fulfilled, since most doctors, unfortunately, do not really know what natural births are and what are the basic needs of the mother and child in childbirth and the first hours after childbirth.

In addition, the thesis that "the participation of a husband in childbirth at the request of the family has already been implemented" is irrelevant - believe us, it’s not embedded not even in half of the maternity homes of Ukraine!

Future mothers in maternity home

But the light of the tenderness of motherhood inspires, the miracles of birth continue, and Atanaiya finishes the article with inspiration: with a beautiful Bulgarian video and the words, "And I want to finish off with some positive picture - for example, this visualization of a normal, non-Soviet motherhood, which, despite all the system, is increasing."

Photos in the article are taken from "Petr i Mazepa" web site.
Article in Ukrainian is here.