Conception. Childbirth. Development. Naturally. Consciously. Blessingly.
Social project "Miracle in the Heart" We popularize
natural childbirth
Expert Profile
record of service 26
Anna Ozhiganova
Anna Ozhiganova
(Анна Ожиганова)
Russia, Moscow
3 children.
A professional working in allied fields with natural childbirth and/or conscious parenting
PhD in Anthropogy. Research fellow in the sphere of home birth and women's resistance to medicalisation of birth, a researcher at the Center for Medical Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAS), editor of Medical Anthropology and Bioethics.

I conduct researches on births, obstetrics, and midwifery, as well as the history of the Russian movement for home birth, home waterbirth and conscious parenthood. Author of more than 50 scientific publications on these issues.

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